Enhancing Social Engagement through Online Gameplay for Older Adults with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment
Award last edited on: 4/22/2023

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Dillon Myers

Company Information (AKA: Potluck LLC)

908 Christian Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147
   (774) 218-0529
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Philadelphia

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R44AG078009-01
Start Date: 6/1/2022    Completed: 5/31/2023
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This Fast Track SBIR proposal submitted by Potluck LLC (Philadelphia, PA) requests funds to design and rigorously test the integration of multiplayer games into the online social engagement platform (OneClick) foradults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The long-term goal is to benefit health outcomes that are affectedby social engagement or lack thereof, such as survival and the onset of dementia. Older adults are at risk ofsocial isolation, and therefore, negative health and quality-of-life outcomes. The existing OneClick platformconnects people through live, small-group, video conversation, and has been optimized for older adults withMCI. In this new project, games already well known and enjoyable to older adults will be integrated into theOneClick platform to enhance social interaction between older adults, their family, and close friends. Incollaboration with experts in aging, cognitive decline, and technology and game design, new game interfaceswill be designed, tested and integrated into the existing platform. Phase I will establish feasibility and optimizein-game social interaction for older adults with and without MCI. In Aim 1, facilitators and barriers of onlinesocial gameplay and interaction will be identified through formative research and observational studies of olderadults with and without MCI playing in-person and online games. In Aim 2, Aim 1 findings will be used todesign and implement an intuitive and pleasant gameplay interface that will be compared against in-persongameplay experiences to demonstrate technical feasibility. In Phase II, the efficacy of online game play as asocial engagement intervention will be tested in a properly-powered Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), andthe scalability and market-readiness of the new product tested in a real-world pilot with an established industrypartner. In Aim 3, the new OneClick platform, intervention content, and implementation protocols will befinalized based on Phase I learnings. This will prepare for Aim 4, a 12-week RCT that tests interventionefficacy: 124 older adults with and without MCI (62 each) will be randomized to the OneClick intervention groupor a Wait-list control group. The intervention group will use OneClick for 12 weeks, while the Wait-listed controlgroup receives no intervention. Both groups complete social isolation and engagement assessments after 6and 12 weeks. Subsequently, participants in the Wait-listed control group will start the intervention, withassessments after 6 and 12 weeks. Within and between-group comparisons over time will determine effectson social engagement, quality of life, technology acceptance, and subjective stress. In Aim 5, proven methods,materials and content will be handed over to an industry partner to assess scalability by evaluating whether thenew online social gaming platform can be readily implemented and support social engagement among theindependently living older adults they serve. The deliverable is a rigorous and effective social engagementtechnology ready for broad commercialization.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
PROJECT NARRATIVE This research and product development delivers a rigorously designed and tested social engagement technology (OneClick) with online games tailored to the needs, abilities, and interests of older adults with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). The online games will be well-known and enjoyable to older adults, and facilitate and enhance social interaction between older adults with and without MCI and their close friends and family members. The games will make it easy for people to connect, thereby stimulating social interaction and engagement, which is beneficial to health and quality-of-life outcomes.

Project Terms:
<21+ years old>

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
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