Context Understanding Technology to Improve Internet Accessibility for Users With
Award last edited on: 8/21/15

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Philip R Schaefer

Company Information

Vortant Technologies LLC

88 High Country Road
Weaverville, NC 28787
   (828) 645-1026
Location: Single
Congr. District: 11
County: Buncombe

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43EY020082-01
Start Date: 2/1/10    Completed: 7/31/11
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The purpose of this SBIR project is to develop a new tool to improve the ability of blind and visually impaired people to quickly get to the right web pages, to avoid ending up on the wrong web pages, and to reach the desired part of the web page efficiently. The motivation for this project is that getting a 'big picture' understanding of a web page is one of the biggest challenges facing visually impaired computer users. Although tools such as screen readers currently exist to convert the text on web pages to audible speech, this solves only a small part of the problem. Existing tools for the visually impaired present the entire web page serially, in full detail, and if the user is not already familiar with the website, it requires a laborious and time- consuming process to read through sometimes hundreds of text objects before knowing whether anything of interest even exists on the page in question. In contrast, the proposed technology analyzes web pages and provides a succinct, informative synopsis of the context of the text and layout of the page, so that a user quickly gains an understanding of where relevant information can be found on the page. The proposed Phase I project involves working with users and instructors to verify the concept, creation of proof-of-concept software to perform the above analysis, and an end-user evaluation study to verify that the new tool, designed to work in conjunction with a market-leading screen reader, improves their abilities and confidence in Internet browsing.

Public Health Relevance:
The R&D in this Phase II SBIR project will result in an improved way to use the Internet for individuals with visual disabilities. The technology will help to overcome the lack of accessibility and high level of frustration currently found among blind and visually impaired users. The results of the project will enable such individuals to explore new opportunities and be more productive, thus providing improved employment potential and an increase in the quality of life.

Thesaurus Terms:
Abstracting, Automated; Advertisements; Area; Arizona; Automated Abstracting; Computer Programs; Computer Software; Computers; Development And Research; Employment; Evaluation; Evaluation Studies; Food; Frustration; Gifts; Government; Hearing; Individual; Internet; Knowledge; Label; Learning; Left; Link; Lions; Marketing; Methods; Modeling; Motivation; Panthera Leo; Partial Sight; Persons; Phase; Phrases (Pt); Phrases [publication Type]; Problem Solving; Process; Qol; Quality Of Life; R & D; R&D; Reader; Reading; Research; Role; Sbir; Sbirs (R43/44); Scanning; Sight; Site; Small Business Innovation Research; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Software; Solutions; Sound; Sound - Physical Agent; Speech; Spottings; System; System, Loinc Axis 4; Txt; Tablets; Tactile; Technology; Testing; Text; Time; Vibration; Vibration - Physical Agent; Vision; Vision, Diminished; Vision, Low; Vision, Reduced; Vision, Subnormal; Visual; Visual Impairment; Visually Impaired Persons; Www; Work; Blind; Blind Individual; Blind People; Blind Person; Career; Computer Program/Software; Design; Designing; Disability; Experience; Hearing Perception; Improved; Innovate; Innovation; Innovative; Instructor; Interest; Phrases; Public Health Relevance; Research And Development; Satisfaction; Social Role; Sound; Sound Perception; Tablet (Pharmacologic); Tactile Display; Text Summarization; Tool; Vibration; Visually Impaired; Visually Impaired People; Web; Web Page; Web Site; World Wide Web

Phase II

Contract Number: 2R44EY020082-02
Start Date: 2/1/10    Completed: 7/31/15
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2015)
Phase II Amount

The purpose of this SBIR project is to develop a new tool to improve the ability of blind and visually impaired people to quickly get to the right web pages, to avoid ending up on the wrong web pages, and to reach the desired part of each web page efficiently. The motivation for this effort is that getting a 'big picture' understanding of a web page is one of the biggest challenges facing this population of computer users. Existing tools for blind and visually impaired people, such as screen readers and screen magnifiers, present the entire web page serially, in full detail, either by textual output of the details, or b providing a magnified view of a small part of the page. However, if the user is not already familiar with the website, the resulting lack of context requires a laborious and time-consuming process to scan through sometimes hundreds of details before knowing whether anything of interest even exists on the page in question. In contrast, the proposed technology analyzes web pages in a similar way that sighted users quickly scan pages before reading in detail, to provide a succinct, informative guidance on the context and layout of the page, so that a user quickly gains a much richer "big-picture" understanding. The proposed Phase II project builds on a successful Phase I user evaluation of a proof- of-concept of the software, in which users expressed a strong preference for the contextual cues provided by the approach. Phase II includes creating a fully-functional prototype of the software tool. Throughout the technology development, feedback from users and practitioners will guide the path of the R&D for maximum usability. At the conclusion of Phase II, an end-user, in-home evaluation study will verify the effectiveness of the tool, providing the starting point for full-scale commercialization.

Public Health Relevance:
The R&D in this Phase II SBIR project will result in an improved way to use the Internet for individuals with visual disabilities. The technology will help to overcome the lack of accessibility and high level of frustration currently found among blind and visually impaired users. The results of the project will enable such individuals to explore new opportunities and be more productive, thus providing improved employment potential and an increase in the quality of life.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
The R&D in this Phase II SBIR project will result in an improved way to use the Internet for individuals with visual disabilities. The technology will help to overcome the lack of accessibility and high level of frustration currently found among blind and visually impaired users. The results of the project will enable such individuals to explore new opportunities and be more productive, thus providing improved employment potential and an increase in the quality of life.

Project Terms:
Advertisements; Area; Arizona; Artificial Intelligence; base; blind; Boxing; Characteristics; Color; commercialization; Computer software; Computers; Cues; disability; Effectiveness; Employment; Evaluation; Evaluation Studies; experience; Feedback; Frustration; Generations; Government; Grouping; Home environment; improved; Individual; interest; Interest Group; Internet; Literature; Marketing; Motivation; Mus; natural language; Output; Persons; Phase; phrases; Population; preference; Process; prototype; Quality of life; Reader; Reading; Research; research and development; Scanning; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Software Tools; Speech; System; Technology; technology development; Text; Time; tool; Training; usability; Vision; Visual; Visual impairment; Visually Impaired Persons; web page; web site