Distributed Synthetic Environment Correlation Assessment Architecture and Metrics
Award last edited on: 10/17/2018

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Kevin Wertman

Company Information

GameSim Technologies Inc (AKA: GameSim Inc)

12124 High Tech Avenue Suite 160
Orlando, FL 32817
   (407) 688-0587
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Orange

Phase I

Contract Number: N68335-14-C-0208
Start Date: 5/13/2014    Completed: 11/10/2014
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
GameSim is proposing to rapidly design and develop an extensible correlation assessment framework by reusing underlying technologies in Conform, an existing commercial off-the-shelf source data visualization and analysis tool developed by GameSim. GameSim will undertake a detailed research effort to identify the critical data points where miscorrelation can most influence fair fight between distributed flight simulators. This research will focus the framework development towards issues that are most relevant to modern simulation systems. The proposed correlation framework will be extensible to allow systems to introduce data for correlation testing from all runtime components within a distributed flight simulator system. GameSim will use its deep experience with plug-in development to design a correlation assessment system that is open, well documented, and easy to expand with new and better correlation analysis capabilities over time.

GameSim intends to commercialize the technology that results from this SBIR in two ways. First, GameSim intends to reuse the correlation detection algorithms and result visualizations as a commercial plugin to GameSims existing COTS product Conform. GameSim will market this suite of tools to all users of synthetic environments and GIS data for correlation analysis efforts. Adding correlation analysis strengthens our commercial product offering and solidifies Conform as an industry leading terrain tool. Secondly, GameSim intends to commercialize the correlation framework system and expand the target market internationally to defense forces that are developing training simulators, starting with the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom.

extensible plug-in architecture, extensible plug-in architecture, Fair Fight, correlation assessment, NPSI, Distributed Processing, CIGI, Flight Simulator, Synthetic Environment Databases

Phase II

Contract Number: N68335-15-C-0340
Start Date: 8/25/2015    Completed: 11/30/2017
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
GameSim is proposing to rapidly design and develop an extensible correlation assessment framework by reusing underlying technologies in Conform, an existing commercial off-the-shelf source data visualization and analysis tool developed in-house. GameSim will leverage the Phase I research effort to identify the critical data points where miscorrelation can most influence fair fight between distributed flight simulators. The research followed an agile development process through use cases, requirements, system design, and a functional prototype. This process led to an extendable framework that focuses on the most relevant issues to Navy flight simulation programs. GameSim has established three sets of Phase II technical objectives. The first, Virtual Environment Correlation Research, represents the necessary research and development required to design and prototype the product, Validate. The second set, Interoperability Research, lists the objectives for creating a system that will effectively integrate with existing Navy flight simulation programs. Next, GameSim will write and publish papers related to the findings of this research project. Finally, Field Study, a Phase II option, represents testing the prototype against flight simulators to further evaluate the effectiveness of the research and make the necessary enhancements.

GameSim is working with NAVAIR to ensure the system aligns with its programs goals. Specifically, GameSim is focused on ensuring it will meet the demands of the Aviation Distributed Virtual Training Environment (ADVTE) and the Fleet Integrated Training Environment (FITE) 2025. Outside of the US Navy and Marines, GameSim has identified other potential government uses for the software product that include the US Army. Commercially, GameSim plans to market the product to its geospatial customers. The features developed under this project will increase the commercial appeal of GameSims product Conform, which is already being sold on a licensing basis.

Fair Fight, CIGI, NPSI, terrain correlation, Flight Simulator, Distributed Processing, synthetic environment