Over the course of this program, Nuvotronics will develop of a robust wafer-level chip integration technology using our proprietary PolyStrata® process to enable sub-millimeter monolithic integrated chip (IC). This new process offers a disruptive wafer level packaging, capable of monolithically integrating dis-similar semiconductor substrates such as silicon, SiGe, GaAs, GaN and InP while reducing the interconnects losses and removing the need wirebonds. Using the 8 PolyStrata process on wafer, different chips (Low Noise Amplifiers, PAs, Mixers, switches) can be monolithically integrated and interconnected using copper microfabrication process to create a IC module. To demonstrate the performance of the new wafer level packaging approach, during the Phase II, Nuvotronics will leverage the new process to fabricate a complete W-band monolithic radiometer IC. The PolyStrata IC will be surface mountable using industry standard reflow process and will not require wirebonding, high accuracy placements or expensive RF circuit board. Nuvotronics aimed in this program a revolutionizing the way mm-wave circuit are fabricated by improving the interconnection performance up to 220 GHz and significantly reducing the packaging cost.
Potential NASA Commercial Applications: (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words) -NASA Goddard is looking at possible insertion of this technology in measurement instruments for radiometry in a CubeSat payload. Integration of MMICs at frequency above 60GHz requires challenging processes such accurate die placement and ultra-short wirebonds to ensure repeatable performance. -Mapping gas-tracing spectral lines to study Star formation in galactic molecular gas clouds.-Mapping low surface brightness emission, like large-scale structure, with existing millimeter-wave interferometers to enhanced with small focal plane arrays on each telescope that would increase the field of view. -Earth science remote sensing missions, such as the Cloud Precipitation Processes Mission (CaPPM)-Possible: Snow and Cold Land Processes (SCLP) mission
Potential NON-NASA Commercial Applications:
: (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words) The number of backhaul radios operating at E-band and even D-band are growing rapidly to provide a faster wireless network. Access Point-to-point and point to multi-point datalinks are expected to rapidly increase to fill the 5G network requirements and will require cost effective mm-wave hardware.
Technology Taxonomy Mapping: (NASA's technology taxonomy has been developed by the SBIR-STTR program to disseminate awareness of proposed and awarded R/R&D in the agency. It is a listing of over 100 technologies, sorted into broad categories, of interest to NASA.) Aerogels Amplifiers/Repeaters/Translators Antennas Ceramics Manufacturing Methods Materials (Insulator, Semiconductor, Substrate) Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) and smaller Microfabrication (and smaller; see also Electronics; Mechanical Systems; Photonics) Nanomaterials Processing Methods