AmberWave proposes to demonstrate and develop III-V metal semiconductor field effect transistors (MESFETs) and high mobility transistors (HEMTs) on Si using its proprietary technology in the epitaxial deposition of high-quality III-V compounds on Si substrates. The technology employs AmberWave's proprietary SiGe graded epitaxial layers that allow the lattice mismatch and thermal expansion differences between Ge and Si to be controlled and accommodated during the growth process. AmberWave has also developed process control that allows the reproducible growth of antiphase-domain-free GaAs/Ge interfaces with minimal interdiffusion. The end result in Ge and GaAs device-quality thin films on Si substrates. In Phase I, AmberWave proposes to demonstrate its fabrication sequence for high quality GaAs on Si on 4-inch Si wafers and evaluate a prototype GaAs MESFET on Ge/SiGe/Si. Anticipated Benefits and
Potential Commercial Applications: AmberWave's technology can bring the lightest, most efficient, least expensive, radiation hard, single-chip communicators to the high-speed integrated circuit and communications market. AmberWave in Phase I will fabricate and evaluated a prototype GaAs FET on Si, demonstrating the impact of AmberWave's materials integration technology.