Long range acquisition of cold hardbody targets against the infrared earth background is a critical function required for an advanced kinetic energy weapon (kew) sensor. This acquisition process involves extraction of targets from backgrounds whose radiance means and standard deviations are many times that of the target. In the previous research phase, the potential of moving target indicator (mti) algorithms was developed and demonstrated as were simple spatial filters for extending acquisition range by a factor of 4 to 5. In addition, an infrared earth background model based on measured data in the 4.3 micrometer region was developed for testing acquisition algorithms and was integrated with the engagement generation software. In the current research phase, broad characterization and expansion of the mti algorithms is being extended to cover time of day, time of year, latitude/longitude, and spectral region variations. To fully validate the acquisition algorithms, a full parameterization of the set of acquisition algorithms is being performed in terms of probable false alarm versus probable detection curves over each of six spectral regions. Extending acquisition range of the projectile will increase total divert capability, thereby, relaxing handover error volume and launcher pointing accuracy requirements.