Phase II Amount
Crystal calorimeters have a long history of advancing the frontier on high-resolution electromagnetic (EM) and hadronic calorimetry. Scintillator crystals are extensively used for both types of calorimeters, but the existing scintillator crystals are facing critical challenges. As the luminosities at colliding-beams have increased, radiation damage of the detector components has become increasingly a point of concern. For example, the baseline technology for the most radiation intense EIC EMCal regions uses the well-established and well- understood (but costly) lead tungstate (PbWO4) crystal calorimetry. Despite many years of development and some recent progress in PbWO4 crystal radiation hardness improvement, production costs and calorimetry stability and survivability remain critical concerns. Under this SBIR program, we will develop and commercialize an extremely radiation-hard non-hygroscopic high-density robust scintillator with high light yield and short decay time. The major accomplishments of Phase I were: (a) successful crystal growth of the scintillator using a scalable approach, (b) demonstration of high light yield, good energy resolution and fast decay time properties of the scintillator, and (c) demonstration of the scintillators radiation hardness. The major tasks of phase II are: (a) improving the scintillation performance of the detector using various strategies, (b) testing and further enhancing the radiation hardness of the detectors, (c) scale-up of the crystal growth process to match the NP experiment requirements, (d) fabrication and testing of complete scintillator modules. The radiation-hard scintillators to be developed under this program will be used for calorimeter detectors in nuclear physics experiments. In addition to nuclear physics experiments, these scintillators have immense potential for commercial radiation detection applications in military and homeland security.