CapeSym, Inc. formerly known as Cape Simulations, Inc., has evolved to become a multi-faceted company offering novel technical crystals for nuclear detection, including SrI2(Eu) and CLYC(Ce) scintillators, and TlBr and CdZnTe semiconductors. Though still a very small firm, CapeSym also offers SYMMIC thermal analysis software, materials characterization and engineering consulting services. The firm's ongoing R&D leverages decades of experience in crystal growth, solid state physics, analytical chemistry, materials science, thermo-fluid transport, and engineering design. CapeSym's consulting services have involved companies in thermal management, crystal growth, advanced materials technologies, biomedical devices, and industrial equipment design and fabrication. The work for various federal agencies - SBIR and other projects - have included electronic materials processing, process optimization, thermal management solutions and radiation detection. Products include FZSim software, which is a float-zone simulator used for silicon growth; and SYMMIC software, a template-based thermal simulator for monolithic microwave integrated circuits. Principals have also developed processing techniques for the production of materials for sensors and detectors, as well as having offered engineering solutions through computer modeling and simulation of devices, equipment, processes, and systems.