The US Department of Energy DOE) Office of High Energy Physics HEP) is actively seeking new and novel designs of high field dipole and solenoid magnets in excess of 25 T for a variety of missions ranging from luminosity upgrades at CERN to developing a new muon accelerator for lepton-lepton collisions. The same high field magnet technology is also required to develop future neutrino factories. These high field magnet technologies will help physicists study TeV collisions, confirm the standard model of physics, search for super-symmetric particles, observe and understand quantum gravity and understand the mechanisms behind mass generation and electroweak symmetry breaking. All of these exciting new developments in HEP will require high field >25T) dipoles and solenoids as the luminosity in these machines scales with the strength of the magnetic field up to about 50 T. 1 The proposed effort is primarily focused on developing unique and novel HTS dipole magnet designs that utilize 2G YBCO coated conductor in its most favorable geometrical orientation i.e. B-fields impinging parallel to the tape face). Standard traditional racetrack winding approaches in which applied B-fields impinge perpendicular to the broad face of the HTS tape in the end regions, where the peak field is maximum, have been investigated and met with some limited success. These traditional racetrack winding designs will neither meet the technical performance nor cost requirements necessary for future high field magnets. A new radically different approach to high field magnet design must be investigated. Energy to Power Solutions E2P) and the Brookhaven National Laboratory BNL) have teamed together to investigate novel HTS magnet design and fabrication methods to meet the challenge of these next generation high field accelerators. The proposed E2P/BNL low anisotropy racetrack winding approach seeks to radically improve both the technical performance and lower the conductor costs metrics. If successful, this will provide the maximum Ic of any known superconductor and facilitate the development of the next generation high-field dipole magnets for HEP applications based upon LTS-HTS hybrid designs. Most exciting is that the proposed low anisotropy HTS magnet designs are remarkably similar to HTS rotor coils used in ac synchronous generators and can be utilized for implementation into multi-MW direct drive wind generators for the commercial renewable energy market. The potential dual use of the proposed technology provides the economic incentive and drive that warrants further investigation.