High-Temperature Instrumentation for the Advancement of Hypersonic Engine Development
Award last edited on: 9/7/2021

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Anthony Matt Francis

Company Information

Ozark Integrated Circuits Inc (AKA: Ozark IC )

700 West Research Center Boulevard
Fayetteville, AR 72701
   (479) 409-5201,
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Washingto

Phase I

Contract Number: 140D0420C0034
Start Date: 12/12/2019    Completed: 9/2/2020
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Robust instrumentation for advanced engine development in both the near and long term is required to maintain the air superiority of the United States Air Force. This robust instrumentation must withstand the high-temperature and vibration environments present not only in existing high-speed propulsion systems but also future propulsion systems that will operate in hypersonic envelopes. Instrumentation with this capability will be achieved through application of high-temperature Smart Nodes, modules capable of operating in this extreme environment regime (300 °C) with integrated processing built upon a platform of ceramic packaging technologies and silicon-on-insulator and silicon carbide semiconductors. The processing capability is completed with sensors and sensor nodes that operate at even higher temperatures (600 °C). The test platform will be populated with wide-bandgap integrated circuits developed by Ozark IC and partners. This technology will be used to design a high-temperature modular data acquisition smart node for a distributed sensor network, enabling system monitoring for characterization performance.

Phase II

Contract Number: W31P4Q-21-C-0012
Start Date: 5/7/2021    Completed: 5/7/2023
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Robust instrumentation for advanced engine development in both the near and long term is required to maintain the air superiority of the United States Air Force. This robust instrumentation must withstand the high-temperature and vibration environments present not only in existing high-speed propulsion systems but also future propulsion systems that will operate in hypersonic envelopes. Instrumentation with this capability will be achieved through application of high-temperature Smart Nodes, modules capable of operating in this extreme environment regime (350°C to 800oC) with integrated processing built upon a platform of ceramic packaging technologies and silicon-on-insulator and silicon carbide semiconductors. The processing capability (350oC) is completed with sensors and remote sensor nodes that operate at even higher temperatures (800 °C, demonstrated in Phase I). The smart nodes will be populated with silicon and wide-bandgap integrated circuits developed by Ozark IC and partners. In Phase II, this technology will be used to implement a complete high-temperature modular data acquisition smart node system for a distributed sensor network, covering the temperature range of -55 to 800oC. The modules will be demonstrated on a turbine engine at Virginia Tech, measuring temperature and pressure to illustrate their use for characterization of performance. Further, the program will work with industry partners to improve the supply chain for the developed semiconductor components, ensuring a secure supply chain for commercial production.