Company Profile

Ozark Integrated Circuits Inc (AKA: Ozark IC )
Profile last edited on: 5/18/2023      CAGE: 6BQS1      UEI: C3JNF19C7DK8

Business Identifier: Robust electronics: design techniques, modeling and design tools for integrated circuits and systems
Year Founded
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Location Information

700 West Research Center Boulevard
Fayetteville, AR 72701
   (479) 409-5201,
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Washingto

Public Profile

Ozark Integrated Circuits Inc.(aka Ozark IC) is a fabless semiconductor company spun out of research at the University of Arkansas, having also licensed technology from NASA. The firm specializes in development of electronics to be used in extreme-temperature applications for energy exploration, aerospace, space exploration and industrial controls. The Firm's expertise lies in design of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits for extreme environments – high and low temperatures and radiation. Organized around producing novel circuits in unique processes, services include Custom analog/mixed-signal IC design, Custom tooling for IC design, Process Delivery Kit (PDK) development and SPICE modeling and compact model development

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Key People / Management

  Anthony Matt Francis -- President, Founder andCEO

  Matthew Barlow

  Nicholas Chiolino -- Asic Design Engineer

  James A Holmes -- CTO

  James Holmes Parker

  Silke Spiesshoefer -- Director of Product Development