We propose to develop a novel, highly efficient, soldier-borne system for real-time detection and neutralization of IED hazards at a stand-off distance of 150 meters and more. The proposed approach is a significant advance in stand-off explosive detector technologies, combining image processing with chemical detection signature and ballistic delivery of the sensory material to inspected objects. This allows fast identification of major explosives contained in IEDs (less than 2-3 second) followed by IED neutralization. In Phase I, the feasibility of the explosive detection concept was demonstrated using fluorescence imaging (FLIM) approach. In Phase II, major efforts will be focused on the improvement of the fluorescence imaging method such as stand-off distance extension; enhancement of the fluorescence quenching contrast by the lock-in imaging and using narrow band-pass filtering; image processing/pattern recognition and integration ballistic delivery means with recording/ processing equipment in one portable package (less than 20 pound). The neutralization system will be identified and designed to work in conjunction with the IED detector. In Phase II, two developed prototypes (FLIM-I and FLIM-II) will be tested at stand-off distance of 150 m and more and test results will be compared with modeling efforts. The Phase II prototype will prove to be an essential link between the accomplishments of Phase I and the development of a commercially viable technology in Phase III which have a wide variety application in the military and commercial sectors.
Keywords: Explosive Detection, Ied, Fluorescence Quenching, Optochemical Chemosensors, Stand-Off Ied Detection, Ballistic Delivery, Fluorescence Imaging