Squire Digital-assistant for Troops-In-Contact and Close Air Support Operations - Phase I Open Call for Innovative Defense-Related Dual-Purpose Technologies/Solutions with a Clear Air Force Stakeholder Need
Award last edited on: 9/16/22

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Jeremy "brett" Whitsitt

Company Information

Squire Solutions Inc

108 E 30th Street Apt 1
New York, NY 10016
   (571) 263-1196
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: New York

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8649-21-P-1055
Start Date: 4/12/21    Completed: 7/12/21
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Especially in contested or constrained environments with limited connectivity, tactical and emergent operations frequently present life-threatening gaps in communications, including hurdles or unnecessary risks associated with poor information flow. Whether it be due to unnecessary relay, re-transmissions, reformatting, human error (receiving transmissions) or any myriad of other issues, cognitive overload & information choke-points prevent action in critical moments. More importantly, such inefficiencies cause delays that, at times, can be fatal (e.g. delayed CAS during a TIC). Information choke-points also become amplified during time-sensitive operations, as do the adverse effects. In short, tactical operations usually involve human-to-human communications, which often hinder information flow for external support assets. Squire Solutions has identified a critical need regarding kinetic operations involving “Troops in Contact” (TIC) reporting, communications and information flow while providing related mission updates or requests for air assets. The crux involves how data is being captured, translated, and sent for declaring a TIC or requesting additional assets. Our TIC Module will reduce time for CAS by reducing cognitive load, reducing human error in TIC reports, improving accuracy, and reducing delivery time of final reports to appropriate stakeholders. In doing so, our system will remove life-threatening issues by revolutionizing information flow, ultimately redefining tactical operations and saving lives on our front lines. Squire is the next generation teammate – a smart digital assistant that communicates essential information securely while driving collaborative operations, primarily driven by multi-modal integrations across systems. Our solution translates information in real-time to promote efficiency and help users focus on task execution (vice focusing on an interface to process information, e.g. wasting time on a radio). We’ve developed the Squire system to include commercial-grade technologies and corresponding capabilities around Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) (Natural Language Processing, speech-recognition, speech-to-text, GPS, etc.) coupled with ingenuities & background inventions for a Company assessed T

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount