Company Profile

Squire Solutions Inc
Profile last edited on: 12/19/22      CAGE: 8CMZ7      UEI: MKNKLJJGBLN1

Business Identifier: Voice-integration for Military and Emergency response
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

108 E 30th Street Apt 1
New York, NY 10016
   (571) 263-1196
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: New York

Public Profile

Squire Solutions is structured around providing services in the arenas of machine learning, software development, and artificial intelligence with a primary focus of development of voice-integration for use by military and emergency services -- optimizing efficiency & revolutionize information flow, driven primarily by voice-control across systems. Tactical operations often pose significant challenges and risks due to poor information flow: Information jams for example can prevent action during critical moments and/or cause delays that, in some cases, may cost lives. Dedicated to preventing such challenges in the future, Squire Solutions Inc. argues that intelligent systems and voice technology have advanced such that, in any operational environment, capabilities surrounding communications and information flow should be an advantage, not a hindrance. To that end, the firm created "Squire" - a smart voice-assistant enabling soldiers and emergency responders more effectively communicate vital information: enabling those serving on the frontlines to increasing operational effectiveness and save lives.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Jeremy "brett" Whitsitt -- Founder and CEO

  James Binns -- Senior Front-end Developer

  Mike Desmond -- Senior Business Development Manager

  Mitchell KEMP -- Front-end Developer

  Seth Lisboa-Nieves -- Director of Architecture & System Design

  Charles Long -- Chief Technology Officer

  Steven Lustig -- Senior Software Engineer

  Matthew Mcguire -- Senior Software Design Engineer in Test

  Audra Miller -- Senior UI/UX Designer

  Robert Mills -- Senior Back-end Deve

  Terry (Dishongh) O'Shea -- VP of Engineering Squire Solutions Inc

  Nathan Pirie -- Business Development Mana

  Jay Roberts -- Chief of Staff

Company News

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