Numerous studies indicate that existing C2ISR capabilities are not currently optimized. There is a need to modernize traditional C2ISR capabilities to promote agility in C2ISR processes by exposing data and visualizing data to make it accessible, visible and understandable throughout the AOC network. Currently the AOC is a system of systems that were designed individually, are not interoperable, and are best suited to support traditional full-scale wars. This is time and resource intensive, introduces avoidable data errors, and creates an environment where focus is on moving data rather than processing and using the data. Humans are capable of complex information processing. Humans receive, store, integrate, retrieve, and use information in unique and powerful ways. These specialized skills should be reserved for centrally important decision-making tasks, and not be wasted on menial tasks like manual data entry or routing manipulation of raw data. Lumir will propose innovative visual displays with flexible underlying engineering architecture to provide ready access to the information needed to promote individual and team situation awareness. This will enhance AOC planning and decision making capability by presenting the information at a level of abstraction and in a format aligned with human information processing needs.
Benefit: This project will result in improved displays and visualizations for command and control applications. Data organization and data syntheses algorithms will be produced to better align with the higher level human information processing needs of command and control operations, thereby increasing situation awareness and decision making ability, particularly for AOC, MOC, and EOC organizations.
Keywords: Aoc Displays, Aoc Visualizations, Aoc Situation Awareness, Data Processing, Data Synthesis, Data Algorithms, Udop, Vicce,