Reconfigurable Multiresolution Targeting System
Award last edited on: 8/29/2002

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Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Fenglei Du

Company Information

Amherst Systems Inc

1740 Wehrle Drive
Buffalo, NY 14221
   (716) 631-0610
Location: Single
Congr. District: 26
County: Erie

Phase I

Contract Number: F08630-97-C-0049
Start Date: 3/14/1997    Completed: 12/13/1997
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Robust and scale/rotation/aspect-invariant target detection/recognition is of great importance for image based sensing platforms to be used for guidance applications. This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I program will investigate the feasibility of a hierarchical target detection/recognition approach for robust, semi-affine-invariant target detection and recognition for hierarchical foveal machine vision (HFMV) based targeting systems. The system is organized into three hierarchies: a hierarchy of camera models for different targets at different circumstances, a hierarchy of multiresolution images (foveal images), and a hierarchy of filters to achieve automatic target detection and recognition. Targets are detected based on their appearances by maximum discrimiant filters across multiple scales. The maximum discriminant filters are derived by an integration of a limited number of target appearance templates combined with appropriate camera models through Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Templates are incorporated into Linear Phase Coefficient Composite (LPCC) filters to achieve target detection. The proposed approach promises robust target detection/recognition on individual images and image sequences as long as the change in appearance of the target can be described by affine transformations. Even though it is is developed primarily for visual and infrared (IR) HFMV imageries, the proposed approach can be used for other types of images such as images from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Laser Radar (LADAR) sensing platforms. The proposed algorithm can be mapped into feedforward neural networks

active vision multiresolution target detection target recognition principal component analysis autom

Phase II

Contract Number: F08630-98-C-0010
Start Date: 12/23/1997    Completed: 12/22/1999
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Visual targeting is an inherently multiresolution active vision process requiring wide field-of-view for detection, high frame rates for tracking, and high spatial resolution for identification/false alarm rejection judiciously allocated at regions of interest detectable with lower resolution. Conventional machine vision has uniform spatial resolution throughout the field-of-view, and thus generates predominantly irrelevant data that saturates signal and processing bandwidth, costrains frame size and rate, and limits targeting performance. Amherst Systems proposes the demonstration of hierarchical foveal machine vision (HFMV) for targeting applications, which exploits their active multiresolution nature to yield higher performance at lower cost and payload than uniform resolution solutions with the same processing throughput. Foveal active vision features imagers and processing with graded acuity coupled with context-sensitive gave control, analogous to that prevalent throughout vertebrate vision; its practical feasibility, scalability, exploitation of existing (predominantly rectilinear) technology, and extendibility to the infrared spectrum distinguishes HFMV from previous approaches to foveal machine vision. The proposed effort will develop a multitarget cueing system that integrates algorithms for multiresolution video processing (real-time moving target detection and tracking) and visual attention (real-time sensor configuration management), a PC hosted multiprocessor configured for multiresolution video processing, and a JPL visual domain reconfigurable multiresolution active pixel sensor (APS) imager whose prototype was selected and characterized in Phase I. Regions of interest will be tracked electronically without mechanical articulation through real-time sensor reconfiguration. The Phase II baseline effort will (1) mature the APS imager prototype by increasing the number of receptive fields and adding on-chip control logic to streamline the sensor interface and increase its I/O throughput, (2) integrate the sensor into a portable HFMV targeting system, and (3) demonstrate this biomimetic technology by having the system search for, detect, interrogate, and display with high resolution multiple ground vehicles in real-world outdoor settings. A Phase II Option effort will integrate the targeting system with one of several candidate customer test facilities

targeting active vision active pixel sensors detection foveal tracking cueing multiresolution