Telic Optics proposes to develop optical components for use in reducing retro-reflections from uncooled focal-plane arrays in the low-reflectivity uncooled camera systems. Specifically, Telic proposes to design and manufacture prism systems that can be used in conjunction with lens systems and uncooled FPAs in a low-reflectivity camera-system design. The prisms operate by deviating the line of sight so that chief rays strike the FPA surface at an angle, and light reflected off the FPA does not exit the optical system. Telic will design prism systems based on the optical parameters presented in the solicitation. Telic will manufacture prototypes of one or more promising prism designs to demonstrate image quality and beam deviation angle. The anticipated outcome is the identification and feasibility demonstration of one or more prism systems that will greatly reduce the retro-reflection from uncooled FPAs while having minimal effect on basic system performance. Telic Optics has already performed significant research in this field. We have previously designed retro-reflection-reducing prisms systems for common-module and SADA detector arrays. We have also previously designed and manufactured retro-reflection-reducing devices for cooled MWIR FPAs. This prior experience provides a high level of confidence in the success of this proposed Phase I project as well as the anticipated Phase II and Phase III successor projects.
Benefits: The principal benefit of this project is the development prism systems that can be used with uncooled FPAs to reduce retro-reflections while maintaining a high level of imaging performance. The technology is directly relevant to the growing number of applications where uncooled FPAs may be exposed to laser threats. These applications may include target acquisition, navigation and surveillance. The anticipated outcome is the delivery of one or more prism systems that will greatly reduce the retro-reflection from uncooled FPAs while having minimal effect on basic system performance.
Keywords: IR FPA, Retro-reflection, Optical Impovement, Level I, Uncooled FPA