In December of 2004, TFR Technologies Inc was acquired by TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc. TFR Technologies (TFR) is a privately-held developer and manufacturer of miniature frequency control devices using proprietary thin film resonator technology in the form of small chips or die similar in size to an integrated circuit. Its products provide previously unobtainable combinations of size and frequency performance and those products are applicable to large markets such as cell phones and GPS receivers. Initial products were developed in part with some federal support. The company is now in the process of transitioning from a largely research and development company to a producer of products for the commercial marketplace. Over 200 different filter or resonator products have been developed for customer specific applications. Approximately half of company income is a result of direct sales of product. TFR works interactively with customers in the development of customized frequency control products and offers a
set of generic GPS and other filters for wireless applications