Company Profile

Symetrix Corporation
Profile last edited on: 2/11/20      CAGE: 0BL08      UEI: ZK2MYVUW7TM8

Business Identifier: Develops thin film ceramic materials, processes, and devices.
Year Founded
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Location Information

5055 Mark Dabling Boulevard
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
   (719) 594-6145
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: El Paso

Public Profile

Symetrix Corporation is the research and development core of the Symetrix Group of Companies. Its mission is to be a leader in the development of thin film ceramic materials, processes, and devices. The company was founded in 1986 as an SBIR research company. By 1990, Symetrix Corporation started cooperation programs with several Japanese companies aimed at advanced ferroelectric computer memories as its main development effort. In 1991, the first infinite endurance (fatigue free) ferroelectric memory was discovered at Symetrix. Today, Symetrix has sold licenses of its ferroelectric technology worldwide. It has entered several strategic markets through its licensees. Symetrix has a basic philosophy of spinning-out subsidiaries and joint ventures when certain key technologies or support technologies of its core business reach commercial maturity.

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Key People / Management

  Larry D McMillan -- President

  Carlos Pas de Araujo

  Robert Venes

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