GaN FETs are capable of very high power levels relative to Si or GaAs technologies. This high power density leads to very broadband capability as needed for the 2MHz-2GHz JTRS radio program. Nitronex has commercialized AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on silicon substrates. As such, reliable devices and accurate device models are available for sub-4GHz operation in class AB. During this Phase I, we will demonstrate the feasiblity of a PA based on our GaN FET technology that meets all the JTRS requiements. We will investigate PA designs for this applciation using our current generation discrete devices, our next generation high frequency capable GaN FET devices (that can be used in Class D topology) and our GaN MMICs for this applications.
Benefit: High power, high efficiency, high linearity, reduced size, reduced weight, lower cost, increased operational benefit to the Navy and other end users, enable software defined radio by covering 3 decades in frequency, offer high levels of on-chip integration and reduce overall cost and development time to customer. There are many applications for this technology in commercial infrastructure markets and military markets.
Keywords: JTRS radio, JTRS radio, high power, GaN, Class-D, AlGaN/GaN HEMTs, Broadband, GaN FETs, fets