Company Profile

Subsurface Insights LLC
Profile last edited on: 5/26/2020      CAGE: 5JFW5      UEI: YYYKN2BPL573

Business Identifier: Geophysical data management and R&D services
Year Founded
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Location Information

62 Lebanon Street
Hanover, NH 03755
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Grafton

Public Profile

Subsurface Insights, LLC is a geophysical R&D company headquartered in Hanover, NH having employees also in Idaho, South Dakota, Massachusetts and Alabama. Founded and eaded by someone previously holding positions at Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (Columbia University), the Department of Energy Idaho National Laboratory and private industry, Subsurface Insights specializes in developing, enhancing, commercializing and applying software and hardware for autonomous site monitoring. With in-house capabilities developed with funding from a range of public and private sources, Subsurface Insights has active collaborations with multiple research groups in academia, national laboratories and industry, and welcomes all inquiries for both projects and collaborative efforts. The firm is organizeda around development, deployment and operation of semi autonomous geophysical characterization and monitoring systems what can provide information and insights on subsurface properties and processes. Although specializing in geophysics, the company also recognizes that, to provide actionable subsurface information, geophysical data needs to be integrated with hydrological, geochemical, biological and geological data and models. Subsurface Insights specializes in developing, enhancing, commercializing and applying software and hardware for semi autonomous geophysical and geological data acquisition, processing and result delivery.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Roelof Versteeg -- President and Founder

  Erek Alper

  Rebecca Rubinstein

  Haiyan Zhou -- Subsurface Modeling Lead