NUBAD, LLC is strucrured around development and commercialization DNA and RNA targeted technologies and drugs with the objective being to become a leading facilitator in the targeting of nucleic acid based drugs. The Company develops novel probes, assays, libraries and small molecule therapeutics targeting RNA and DNA structures identified as targets in human disease. As new genomic targets are identified, NUBADs technologies are designed to enable discovery of RNA and DNA targeted small molecule drugs. NUBAD, LLC products consist of compound libraries that target nucleic acids and probes used in the screening of compounds that bind to RNA structures (ncRNA, rRNA, miRNA), duplex DNA, quadruplex DNA and RNA, R-loops, DNA.RNA hybrids and other conceivable RNA and DNA structures. The firm offers a variety of proprietary small molecule nucleic acid targeted fluorescent probes for in vitro and in vivo studies Libraries of nucleic acid targeting small molecules. The libraries range in MW and physical properties and include compounds predicted to be orally bioavailable.