Company Profile

Figur8 Inc
Profile last edited on: 9/19/22      CAGE: 8CDJ8      UEI: PC4YNMFRU8U3

Business Identifier: Advanced on-body movement intelligence solution for evaluating musculoskeletal health
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

2 Park Plaza Suite 605
Boston, MA 02116
   (617) 202-6750
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Suffolk

Public Profile

FIGUR8 is an MIT spin-off company, creating advanced wearable musculoskeletal (MSK) technology - perhaps among the most advanced on-body movement intelligence solution for evaluating musculoskeletal heal. The approach combines Smart Biosensors, Intuitive Software and AI to analyze and advance musculoskeletal health - serving accurately to pinpoint the source of MSK pathology and provide essential data to enhance patient-centric recovery. With value recorded across the entire episode of care, from injury through full recovery, system serves to empowering patients to take control of their personal MSK health - while also significantly reducing the cost of care along with improving access.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Nan-Wei Gong -- Co-Founder and CEO

  Ryan Aspenleiter -- Biomechanical Engineer

  Joe Boissy -- CMO

  Melody Chao -- Director of Finance

  William Day -- Chief Cloud Architect

  Keith Desrosiers -- Director of Engineering

  Marius Gailius -- Lead Hardware Engineer

  Justinas Gasparovicius -- Hardware Engineer

  Nikolai Golikov -- Senior Software Engineer

  Nan-Wei Gong

  Michael Oberlander -- Chief Medical Officer

  Tiegeng Ren -- Co-founder & CTO

  Donna Scarborough

  Donna Scarborough -- Research Scientist

  Jack Seitz -- Chief Marketing Officer

  Raven Smith -- VP Product

  Alexia Stylianou -- Biomechanical Engineer

Company News

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