News Article

MandalMed Contracts with Lonza to be Sole Distributor of Proprietary Human Sertoli Cells
Date: May 31, 2009
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Featured firm in this article: MandalMed Inc of San Francisco, CA

MandalMed announces an agreement with Lonza, a foremost supplier of cell-based based products, to be the sole distributor of the our patent-pending proliferative human Sertoli cells. MandalMed is the only source of commercially available human Sertoli cells. Sertoli cells are essential for maintenance of testicular homeostasis and male reproductive viability, and due to their immunosuppressive and trophic ability may have applications in cell therapy. Functions normally attributed to Sertoli cells include protection of the developing germ cells, secretion of factors that nurture germ cells, and the orchestration of temporal and spatial control of apoptosis, mitosis, and meiosis during the complex process of spermatogenesis.