Novel Device for monitoring brain hemorrhage using radio waves.
Award last edited on: 9/15/2017

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Daniel Kincaid

Company Information

Sense Diagnostics LLC

1776 Mentor Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45212
   (844) 373-6730
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Hamilton

Phase I

Contract Number: 1520285
Start Date: 7/1/2015    Completed: 12/31/2015
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is the reduction of deaths and long-term disabilities in people suffering from bleeding in the brain caused by hemorrhagic stroke or traumatic brain injury. The presence of blood outside of the brain?s vessels and arteries creates a characteristic change in the radio signal used by the device. Currently, physicians are alerted to worsening bleeding only when a patient fails to respond appropriately to a clinical exam that consists of a series of questions and commands. The problem this presents is that by the time the exam uncovers the additional bleeding, much of the damage to the brain has already occurred. A large proportion of patients suffering either hemorrhagic stroke or TBI die or are left severely disabled. Each year over 70,000 people suffer hemorrhagic stroke, with over half of them dying. TBI is responsible for over 1 million emergency department visits, 225,000 hospital admissions and 50,000 deaths. Using radio waves to non-invasively detect brain bleeds will reduce the time it takes to start treatment, which will save lives, reduce disabilities and result in significant savings to the health care system.

The proposed project will test the ability of the SENSE device to detect small amounts of blood (as little as 2 ml) in both a gelatin model that mimics the electrical properties of the human brain and in a well-established porcine intracranial hemorrhage model. The gelatin experiments will place blood at various locations throughout the model. The prototype device will scan both before and after blood insertion and the results will be compared to the known location and volume of blood to determine the ability of the device to accurately detect the blood. Once confirmed in gelatin models, the device will be tested in a porcine ICH model using an institution IACUC approved protocol to ensure humane treatment of the test animals. Under general anesthesia, a small volume of the pig?s own blood will be surgically infused into the brain. The device will scan the pig?s brain both before and after insertion of the blood. After the scans are complete,the animals will be euthanized. The brain will be frozen in liquid nitrogen and sectioned. The scan results will be compared to the sectioned brain to determine the device?s ability to accurately detect the location and volume of blood.

Phase II

Contract Number: 1632270
Start Date: 9/15/2016    Completed: 8/31/2018
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2019)
Phase II Amount

The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project is the reduction of deaths and long-term disabilities in people suffering from bleeding in the brain caused by intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) or traumatic brain injury. Currently, physicians detect worsening bleeding through a clinical exam where a patient shows outward signs of deterioration in their neurological status. By the time these signs of additional bleeding appear, much of the damage to the brain has already occurred. About a third of people who suffer a severe traumatic brain injury either die or are left disabled. For hemorrhagic stroke, 60% die and 70% of survivors are left with significant disabilities. A device which transmits and receives very low power radiofrequency signals has been created that can be put on a patients head. The presence of blood outside of the brain's vessels and arteries creates a characteristic change in the radio signal used by the device. Using radio waves to non-invasively detect brain bleeds will allow treatment to start sooner, which will save lives, reduce disabilities and lower the cost of treating severe brain injuries.The proposed project tests (i) the ability of the device to detect and characterize small changes in ICH size and location over time and (ii) the ability to display changes in the bleed in a meaningful way to physicians. An algorithm for determining the size and location of the hemorrhage will be tested using both a phantom model that mimics the human brain and an IACUC-approved pig ICH model. Multiple hemorrhage volumes and locations will be used to test the algorithm's ability to detect hemorrhage volume changes within 1 mL, location within 1 cm, and distinguish changes due to the hemorrhage from physiological changes in a living pig's brain. Signal measurements taken before, during, and after infusion of blood will be captured at each time point to test the accuracy of the algorithm. Software will be developed to display the information from the algorithm in three-dimensions while giving doctors and nurses control over thresholds for triggering an alarm and how often the device scans. To test the software, the data collected during the pig experiments will be used to determine how accurate the display matches the location and size of the hemorrhage from CT images collected during testing.