Company Profile

Sense Diagnostics LLC
Profile last edited on: 9/15/17      CAGE: 70JH4      UEI:

Business Identifier: Non-invasive, disposable device that continuously monitors brain activity primarily in the intensive care unit.
Year Founded
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Location Information

1776 Mentor Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45212
   (844) 373-6730
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Hamilton

Public Profile

Sense Diagnostics LLC is developing a non-invasive, disposable device that continuously monitors brain activity primarily in the intensive care unit. The company's technology is designed to address problems that occur because neurological complications in sedated or critically ill patients are only discovered after they have occurred. It is a non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) sensor that detects changes in the brain, including: Hemmorage/bleeding, Brain swelling (cerebral edema), and Seizures.

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2019 2 NSF $1,397,361
Project Title: Novel Device for monitoring brain hemorrhage using radio waves

Key People / Management

  Daniel Kincaid -- Co-Founder and CEO

  Opeolu Adeoye -- Co-Founder

  Joseph Clark -- Co-Founder

  Matthew Flaherty -- Co-Founder

  George Shaw -- Co-Founder

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