Company Profile

STAR-H Corporation
Profile last edited on: 10/24/2007      CAGE:       UEI:

Business Identifier: Antennas and specialized equipment for wireless communications
Year Founded
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Location Information

1853 William Penn Way
Lancaster, PA 17601
   (717) 278-0047
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 11
County: Lancaster

Public Profile

STAR-H Corporation is engaged in R&D on RF antennas and wireless communications equipment for military and commercial markets. Headquartered in Lancaster, PA the major part of the R&D work is performed at the lab/office complex at State College, PA . STAR-H is focused to using leading-edge design software to solve difficult problems in wireless communications, particularly at lower (HF) frequencies. Areas of accomplishment include a break-through, low-profile antenna for AM broadcasting (patented technology licensed); body-borne soldier antennas; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle antennas; military vehicle low-profile antenna for on-the-move communications; and a sophisticated RF spectrum monitoring and management system.

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Key People / Management

  Milton D Machalek -- President

  Yale G Eastman

  Brian A Herrold

  Michael W Jacobs

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