News Article

Real-time Ionospheric Characterization
Date: Jan 01, 2010
Source: Company Data ( click here to go to the source)

Featured firm in this article: Center For Remote Sensing Inc of Fairfax, VA

A versatile and user-friendly software system for describing the 3-D and 4-D distributions in the ionosphere has been developed at the Center For Remote Sensing, Inc. (CFRSI). The system can accept a variety of ionospheric data from diverse sources and geographic locations. The data may be fed in real time or can be processed off-line and the software system provides a complete specification of the ionosphere over any region of the world. It starts with a user-specified ionospheric model as initial guess and assimilates various data sets in a self-consistent manner. The system is extremely user-friendly and is available for collaborative research and for other specific applications. Go to the Space Weather section and then the Real-Time Ionospheric Characterization section for details.

Some of the features of the system are described below:
Highlights of the RTIC

Specifies the ionosphere over any region of the earth.
Is self-consistent in terms of experimental data and constrained by ionospheric models.
Has user-defined ionospheric models.
Provides 3-D and 4-D specifications within the constraints. Accepts a variety of data: TEC from GPS, GPSMET, ground-based and satellite borne beacons and/or receivers, ionosonde (vertical and oblique), radio propagation data, radar data, and optical.
Utilizes various techniques and tool-kits.
Is extremely user-friendly; can be used at various levels of sophistication.
Can be used as research and educational tools.
Can be used as operational system.
Can be used for specifying, characterizing, nowcasting, forecasting, model validation, simulation, estimation of confidence limits, co-ordinate registration, single site location, monitoring of passive emissions, diagnostics, communication through ionosphere, GPS performance estimation, radar, or optical emissions.