News Article

Montana Emergent Technologies, Inc. Wins DOE FY 2013 Phase 1 STTR -- the Only Montana Company to Do So
Date: Dec 13, 2013
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Featured firm in this article: Montana Emergent Technologies Inc of Butte, MT

Montana Emergent Technologies, Inc. (MET), teaming with researchers at the Center for Biofilm Engineering at Montana State University, has received a FY 2013 Phase I, Release 2 STTR award from the U.S. Department of Energy (contract #DE-FG02-13ER86571). The $150,000 project is entitled "Using Biomineralization Sealing for Leakage Mitigation in Shale during CO2 Sequestration". The technology is based on the ability of microorganisms to produce calcium carbonate minerals to permanently seal leakage pathways. MSU researchers are already developing the technology for sandstone formations, and the STTR extends that work to shale formations. This biomineralization technology offers the ability to seal abandoned wells and make CO2 sequestration permanent at reduced cost. MET believes the technology has high potential for commercialization, particularly in the oil and gas industry operations in shale formations, such as the Bakken, Woodford, Barnett, and Marcellus formations. The technology is illustrated in the figures below. The project is scheduled to run from June 2013 through February 2014. Following Phase I, focused on demonstrating feasibility, MET expects to apply for a Phase II STTR award to perform a field demonstration to further develop the technology. The Principal Investigator for the project is Dr. Robin Gerlach, Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at MSU. MET Vice President Randy Hiebert is the Project Engineer. Please contact Mr. Hiebert ( for further information.

Technology Description:

Schematic of CO2 injection, migration, and interaction with surrounding abandoned wells. (A) Shows the injected CO2 plume (in the supercritical state) migrating away from the injection well and encountering a leaky well. (B) This STTR project focuses on cap rocks composed of shale, which have possibly been fractured in the immediate vicinity of well bores—thereby providing pathways for unwanted upward migration of CO2. The biomineralization sealing technology developed herein will be applied to seal these preferential flow paths including fractures in the shale, cracks in well cement and delaminations between cement, well casing and caprock. (C) If abandoned wells are cased, then perforation channels will need to be installed to allow communication of the biomineralizing fluids with the environment outside the well