Date: Mar 15, 2015 Source: Company Data (
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Boston, MA -- March 11, 2015 -- Loci Controls, Inc. was one of 8 Massachusetts companies awarded a $150K grant by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center last week. This award was made under the MassCEC's InnovateMass program and is described as "a competitive program that provides awards to applicant teams that offer the most innovative, effective and impactful clean energy solutions to tough energy and environmental problems here in the Commonwealth. InnovateMass program funding helps companies and their technologies move closer to commercialization, signaling to the marketplace that the technology is approaching readiness for manufacturing and sales."
Congratulations to all the teams that won InnovateMass awards -- especially to fellow Greentown labs member companies Bevi, NBD Nano and Building Envelope Materials. Click here for more information on this award from an article in the Boston Business Journal.