News Article

Greensea Among Marine Technology Reporter's Top 100 Companies
Date: Aug 21, 0214
Author: mbrown
Source: Company Data ( click here to go to the source)

Featured firm in this article: Greensea Systems Inc of Richmond, VT

Thu, 08/21/2014 - 09:54 -- mbrown
This summer marks the ninth printing of Marine Technology Reporter's MTR 100, a comprehensive ranking of the top 100 businesses serving the world's subsea industry.

We're thrilled to say Greensea Systems, Inc. made the cut.
The MTR 100 edition is a self-described "salute to the leading companies, people and technologies that collectively have helped to shape the history, present and future of one of the world's most dynamic, fast-evolving and challenging markets."

Greensea was featured for our delivery of powerful operator workspaces and vehicle control software.

"The automation, integrated workspace, and precision navigation capabilities provided by the openSEA technology and the commercial products Balefire and Endal enable unprecedented efficiency and performance in ROVs while lowering the training required for consistent and reliable operations," MTR noted.

"In short, Greensea develops software to make offshore operations more efficient, productive, and reliable."

Exactly right, MTR. Thanks for the nod.