News Article

Fast Track Amphibious Vehicle Runs Into Production
Date: Mar 02, 2007
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Featured firm in this article: Fast Track Amphibian LLC of Hurst, TX

Bored of just driving on the road! Then extend your territory with the new breed of all-terrain vehicles which can drive smoothly on both water and land. Though, there are a whole lot of options available for an amphibious vehicle but there are comparatively lesser options known in the all-terrain category. We have earlier told you about one Quadski bike from Gibbs Technologies that could make the transition from land to water at the flick of a switch. Now, Fast Track Amphibian has entered the production phase for a product line of all-terrain amphibious vehicles, though on an extremely small scale. The Fast Track amphibious vehicle can comfortably achieve 39 mph on water and 55 mph on land with their massive suspension system, which can be retracted or extended to suit the circumstance.

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FastTrack equipped vehicles can start, stop and cruise on water like a boat as well as traverse diverse terrain, from ice and snow to swamps, deep mud, mountains and deserts, all at very high speeds. The first vehicles the company produces for non-military customers will be hand built and custom made for those who can afford to be the first owners of this unique machine. The all-terrain vehicles will boast aggressive styling, two or five place plush seating with a 300 plus horsepower for speeds of 60 mph on water and 80 mph on land. The vehicles will be priced proportionately to the volume of sales. But, if you have to ask it, then a custom car sized vehicle would be priced for $250,000 and up.