Date: Apr 23, 2019 Source: Company Press Release (
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On April 23rd, 2019, BRISEA Group, Inc. was awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Grant by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to evaluate the development of a microwave-assisted membrane for pretreatment of PFAS in industrial wastewater. This Phase I Grant is for 6 months and will be used to perform proof of concept studies, assess the pilot scale applications of the technology and to explore potential commercialization of the technology through a network of investors and through participation in trade shows/technology expositions. So far, there has been no demonstrations on coupling microwave irradiation with membrane filtration processes. This project aims to deliver insightful information for future industrialization and rationale design of microwave-assisted membrane filtration systems. The proposed research will employ a multi-faceted approach that combines MWM synthesis, characterization, and filtration experiments to determine the efficiency of PFOA/PFOS degradation and removal via this MWM filtration system.