Though still SBIR qualified by size, Zyvex Labs is part of a larger entitiy - Zyvex Corporation (founded in 19970 originally organized around atomically precise manufacturing (APM) technology to build products with atomic precision that - when developed correctly - allows for the flexible manufacture of a wide variety of products, ranging from designer materials to supercomputers to advanced medical devices. That original conducted fundamental research into APM - more recently taking that technology to market by developing commercial nanomaterial and nanomanipulation products. Over the years, various fields of endeavor to utilize what the firm had develeoped and, in April 2007, Zyvex Corporation reorganized itself into three independent companies to ensure continued product focus: Zyvex Performance Materials LLC, Zyvex Instruments LLC and Zyvex Labs LLC. At this juncture, Zyvex Labs has two goals: 1) Develop APM and 2) Exploit our technology for microfabrication and 3D microassembly. The firm's MEMS technology is being used to fabricate miniature scientific instrumentation such as a mini scanning electron microscope and a mini atomic force microscope, as well as next-generation nanoprobing systems. These systems will be developed for larger market partners or spun off into standalone companies depending on the finished product. Zyvex Labs is also a founding partner in Nano-Retina, which is building an advanced prosthetic vision device.