WWETCO is an environmental engineering and equipment manufacturing company specializing in wet weather pollution control and treatment including stormwater, CSO, SSO and industrial wastewater treatment facilities. WWETCO manufactures a compressed media filter and a flow control device for these market areas. WWETCO's filter can be used to treat screened and degritted sewage or CSOs, primary treated wastewaters,stormwater or as a tertiary filter. The WWETCO filter is a passive high rate process that can remove up to 90% of particulated down to the 10 to 20 micron particle size at hydraulic loading rates of 15 to 20 gallons per minute per square foot of surface area. The WWETCO filter has a small footprint with low capital and O&M requirements. The WWETCO flow control is a passive, self cleaning flow control device used for diversion or upstream storage of wet weather flows without inhibiting the hydraulic capacity of the system. The WWETCO flow control can allow a base flow for in-line CSO storage applications or passage of aquatic biology in stream attenuation and diversion applications.