In November 2007, Gas Sensing Technology Corp agreed to purchase assets of WellDog Inc. WellDog invented the first reservoir evaluation technology specific to unconventional natural gas. With facilities in Australia and Colorado as well as Wyoming, WellDog, Inc. develops chemical sensing technologies for natural gas exploration and production. The firm's data services iclude use of a a proprietary down-hole sensor platform and data analysis suite to increase the profitability of coalbed methane extraction. WellDog® services give coalbed natural gas developers the information they need to determine which wells will deliver the most natural gas in the shortest amount of time, accelerating gas production and reducing the amount of water produced. These services support an industry, coalbed natural gas, which is identified as the fastest growing sector of natural gas production in the U.S. WellDog works in the unconventional natural gas industry with a particular focus on coalbed natural gas. The companys team includes leading geologists, reservoir engineers and technical consultants. The WellDogs team also includes renowned entrepreneurs, investment professionals, and executives with management experience ranging from startups to leading Fortune 500 firms. Collectively, we have experience developing and commercializing chemical sensing technologies in a variety of industries and working extensively in the onshore and offshore natural gas industries.