Defining the firm's operations as tackling improving lives of patients by delivering comprehensive solutions that optimize outcomes for the key stakeholders in healthcare systems -- patients, providers and payers -- Uluru management describe the firm as specialty medical technology company committed to developing and commercializing innovative wound care and drug delivery systems based on the firm's patented technologies. Uluru indicate having already developed two patented technology platforms: Altrazeal® -- new class of material designed to optimize the wound bed environment and accelerate healing and OraDisc - a novel, patented, cost-effective, commercially-viable, water-erodible pharmaceutical carrier device, the multi-layered device may be applied to mucosal surfaces, and adheres immediately, delivering actives to treat specific localized diseases/disorders. OraDisc technology can deliver drugs systemically across the mucosal surface or for release of drugs into the oral cavity. The device causes minimum discomfort, is easy to apply and capable of providing tailored erosion rates to deliver therapeutics over different time intervals.