Ultramet engineers, develops, and manufactures refractory metals, platinum group metals, and ceramics for demanding applications that meet the needs of the aerospace, defense, biomedical, and energy industries. Established long before there was an SBIR program, Ultrmet was early involved (1983) providing custom high temperature materials for the chemical and nuclear industries - eventually specializing in chemical vapor deposition of advanced materials. Simultaneously, Ultramet manufactures a range of advanced materials products such as high performance thrust chambers used in satellite propulsion systems and open-cell foam used in orthopedic implant devices. Ultramets research and development staff covers the fields of materials engineering, chemistry, metallurgy, materials science, chemical engineering, ceramic engineering, and mechanical engineering. This multidisciplinary team is supported by complete fabrication and machining, characterization, analysis, and inspection facilities. Ultramet devises the manufacturing methods to produce the desired components and manufactures or licenses said components with a commitment to quality and reproducibility.