An effective and fast way to gather considerable data in a short period with minimal adverse impact in the area under surveillance, drone-use has emerged recently as an increasingly important tool for forest monitoring. Effective use of these capabilities has enabled the University of Pennsylvaniaâs GRASP Laboratory to assemble teams with expertise in drone swarms and forestry to create a system capable of collecting large swaths of data by these means. Formerly operating as Trefos Inc, Treeswift is utilizing robotic and machine learning technology to build next generation forest monitoring systems.Utilizing on-board cameras and sensors, the created systems can be engaged for a wide range of different applications: deforestation monitoring, carbon capture readings and forest fire prevention. The firm's principals define their mission as building the data ecosystem for the natural world by capturing important data from below the forest canopy in anticipaton that anticipate the firm's technology will help to obtain a more transparent, verifiable and accurate view of the planet from the ground up