Company Profile

Toyon Research Corporation (AKA: Data Tools for Citizen Science)
Profile last edited on: 4/10/2023      CAGE: 4U552      UEI: PK1CB3L39XX8

Business Identifier: Antennas and RF Systems -C4ISR & Missile Systems - Homeland Security -ISR Algorithms
Year Founded
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Location Information

6800 Cortona Drive
Goleta, CA 93117
   (805) 968-6787
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 24
County: Santa Barbara

Public Profile

Extentively SBIR-STTR Involved from the earliest days of SBIR activity to awards only recently made, Toyon Research Corporation provides technology development and defense systems and analysis solutions to government and commercial customers. With a facility also located in Sterling, VA - close to DC and client operations - the firm offers GPS and satcom antennas, such as compact geodetic GPS, handheld anti-jam GPS, switched-beam UHF satcom, conformal ground-nulling GPS, direction-finding, anti-jam GPS, mission planning tool for GPS-denied areas, and guidance integrated fuze antennas. The firm also works on FMC camera links, including standard interfaces, which include base data-only camera link transmitters and receivers, and 2-wire LVDS serialized transmitters; and FMC radio boards, such as an FMC wireless transceiver module for use in development and prototyping of software defined radios. Toyon also provides Geospatial Analysis and Planning Support Toolbox, a software application that supports rapid prototyping and development of custom analytical tools to support contemporary military operations; and GeoTrack, an all-digital global shutter imaging system for video capture and compression for small-platform assets and producing imagery with motion scenes. In addition, it offers simulation of the locations and attack of mobile enemy missiles for use as a constructive analysis and federate in various distributed constructive and human-in-the-loop simulation exercises; and ground vehicle simulators to create theater-level moving target scenarios. Further, the company provides small UAV platforms and a mobile UAV testing laboratory for UAV flight testing services; and VideoPlus, an image processing system that performs real-time video enhancement and video analytics for integrated command and control, and video management systems. It offers its products and services in the areas of antennas and RF systems, C4ISR, homeland security, ISR algorithms, and missile systems.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
1695058380 2 AF $1,249,995
Project Title: Space-Based Sensing at the Tactical Edge
1685449028 2 AF $1,250,000
Project Title: High Sensitivity Tracking for Event Based LEO Moving Target Indication
2023 1 Navy $140,000
Project Title: Secure Data Module for Leave-Behind Applications
2023 2 Army $1,323,000
Project Title: Millimeter-wave MIMO Radar for UAS Tracking
2023 1 AF $149,999
Project Title: Multi-wave Adaptation through Phased Learning (MAPL)

Key People / Management

  Kevin J Sullivan -- President & Director, ISR Algorithm Development

  Craig S Agate -- Senior Staff Analyst

  Christopher T Agh

  Charlene S Ahn

  Nabil I Alshurafa

  Evan W Barnett -- Analyst

  Kochise Bennett

  John A Berger

  Andrew P Brown -- Senior Staff Analyst

  Matthew J Buoni

  Richard E Cagley

  Gerald P Cardilo

  Paul Castleberg

  Karthik Chellappan

  David B Clark

  Gaemus E Collins

  Rasa K Dovilas

  Kenan O Ezal -- Senior Scientist

  Timothy E Fair -- Senior Analyst

  Mark T Fennell

  Phillip Fry

  Joel R Garbarino

  Thomas W Geyer

  Michael A Gilbert

  Harry F Gilmore

  Michael P Grace

  Bernard B Gragg

  Jason D Hannon -- Senior Analyst

  Roger J Helkey

  Kevin C Higgins

  James Hogg -- Staff Scientist

  John Ise

  Harold I Jacobson

  Ben C Juricek

  Thomas L Larry

  Fred Loquasto III

  Ben Ludington

  Arthur C Ludwig

  T Luke Madden

  Mahendra K Mallick

  Scott May

  Scott A McNally -- Senior Analyst

  Mark R Meloon

  Michael S Moore

  Vincent A Msrtik -- Former President

  Paul Muhl

  Tariq A Mujahed

  Justin T Muncaster

  Charles T Nardo -- President

  Perry Naughton

  William R Nelson -- Analyst

  Fritz H Obermeyer

  Shannon M Petzold

  Keith Purvis

  Abhejit Rajagopal -- Analyst

  Umberto Ravaioli

  Matthew Ressler

  Andrew S Richen

  Eric E Sandoz

  Alexandre Sekfali-Marette

  Michael J Sheffler

  Joanne Shin

  Chaitanya Singh

  Kyle A Stewart

  Brian Stieber

  Peter Stieber

  Ryan N Strader

  Timothy Taylor

  Matthew Thomas

  Patrick A Toole

  Chris Truax

  Glen Van Blaricum -- Former President

  Michael L Van Blaricum -- Chief Scientific Officer

  Brad Weals

  Zach Wells

  Benjamin D Werner

  WIlliam White

  Mike Wiatt

  Robert M Wilkerson

  Jerry C Wyss