Tinkercast was founded by three media veterans, storytellers and parents who believe that well-told stories can inspire families to put down their screens and look up at the world together. With stories about cool things happening in the world right now, theidea is to enable the listener to use their imagination and follow their curiosity. More speciically, the firm's objective is to enhance listening comprehension skills among young children employing an innovative interactive (audio) learning platform that aligns with Common Core State Standards for listening comprehension and uses best practices in game-based learning. From the premise that narrative audio content models fluency and prosody - helps bridge the gap between word recognition and comprehension - the firm's objective is to improve listening skills at the time in a child's life when it matters the most. However, by offering high-interest content - telling compelling stories about the latest discoveries in science, technology and innovation - the intent is to provide important content exposure by the children. y design, embedded in each story are audio cues that are iintended to lead to audio/visual comprehension questions, games and polls. Also included in the platfrom account management, student rostering, student progress monitoring, administrative dashboards and interactive teacher guides for using audio in the classroom.