Very active in the SBIR arena until 2012, Time Domain Systems Inc, also doing business as Time Domain Corporation and TDC Acquisition Holdings Inc, had been acquired by 5D Robotics in July, 2016. In February 2018, Time Domain Corporation (and 5D Robotics) was then acquired by Humatics - a somewhat younger firm structured around developing microlocation products designed to revolutionize how people and machines locate, navigate, and collaborate. Time Domian had been developing Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology to develop a chipset to enable significant advances and new applications in the radar, tracking and wireless communication industries. The company created a new wireless medium -- time modulated ultra wide band -- which has a fused technology that provides orders of magnitude improvement in wireless communication. In 1999, the Company had produced the world's first UWB silicon chipset, marketed under the name PulsON, allowing researchers and developers to evaluate UWB as a ranging, communications, or radar technology and develop UWB enabled products targeting those applications.