Though the firm is listed in SBIR as ThinkAUM, almost all relevant references and the firm's website organize around the term SRSD: eLearning & in-person courses -- Self-Regulated Strategy Development. A (the?) promary focus of the firm is to bring SRSD to schools through blended learning. Serving schools in states across the USA and overseas engaging eLearning modules and live web calls... thinkSRSD is the community of teachers and researchers who use and study SRSD. First developed some four decades ago, the approach was originally employed as a means to fill a gap in writing instruction for students with disabilities. The system can be employed with individuals, in small groups, and classwide with students in grades two through twelve - effectively integrating multiple effective instructional components with self-regulatory processes to empower students as learners. SRSD is similar to positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) in that it is a teaching framework rather than a teaching product. It is comprised of six interconnected and iterative stages: develop and activate background knowledge; discuss skill and strategie; model skill and strategies; memorize strategies, guided practice of skill and strategiesand- eventualy independent practice