Think-A-Move has developed an entirely new human-device or human-machine interface technology that takes advantage of the capabilities of the ear to act as an output device. From mobile phones and motorized wheelchairs, to computers and robotic devices, this licensable technology has wide ranging applications. Offering significant advantages, Think-A-Move's InnerVoice technology is hands-free, fast, non-invasive, easily portable, protects privacy and uses low cost hardware. Think-A-Move, uses advanced mathematics, programming and engineering to create new commercial technologies. The company's current focus is on the development of human-device or human-machine interface technologies based on its proprietary InnerVoice technology platform. This technology takes advantage of the human ear's ability to act as an output device, and serves as the platform for the company's three licensable technologies. (Information on product technologies) The company employs extensive risk management practices including patent protection of its technologies both in the U.S. and abroad. This commitment to protecting its technological developments is of vital importance to both the company and its licensing partners.