Company Profile

Terawave Communications Inc
Profile last edited on: 7/17/2023      CAGE: 1S1D9      UEI: XVMJFYMXN5K6

Business Identifier: Passive optical network access solutions that "light up the first mile"
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Inactive (Acquired)
Popularity Index
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Location Information

30680 Huntwood Avenue
Hayward, CA 94544
   (510) 401-6624
Location: Single
Congr. District: 15
County: Alameda

Public Profile

In October 2007, the assets of Terawave Communications was acquired by Occam Networks Inc. Terawave Communications is a leading manufacturer of next-generation, multi-service I4705 optical access products for service providers, MSOs, government, and enterprise customers. The Terawave family of products provides multiple networking technologies such as PON, GigE, SDH and SONET. Terawave also supports a compre-hensive suite of networking protocols such as IP,MPLS and ATM. The Terawave portfolio supports TDM services, IP VPN services, advanced video solutions and high bit-rate telemetry. Terawave offers both modular and fixed configuration platforms to enable the most cost-effective aggregation of voice, video and data on a single network access point. The Terawave Management System (TMS) provides state-of-the-art management services that give customers the abilityto deliver services and bandwidth on demand, while minimizing time to market and reducing both capital and operating expenditures. Terawave Communications is currently delivering carrier-grade business, military, distance learning, video and FTTP solutions to over 35 service providers on continents

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2004 2 MDA $965,369
Project Title: Telemetry Over IP

Key People / Management

  Ray Lin -- President

  Steffen Rasmussen

Company News

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