Company Profile

Templarbit Inc
Profile last edited on: 2/9/23      CAGE: 8EBN9      UEI: PNMUCZN86KY6

Business Identifier: Next-gen security company enabling Users to protect their software from malicious activity
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Active (Acquired)
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Location Information

350 Rhode Island Street reet Unit 240
San Francisco, CA 94103
   (650) 575-3239
Location: Single
Congr. District: 11
County: Orange

Public Profile

With teams in Palo Alto and Los Angeles, from the firm's iinitial operations, Templarbit has been structured around developing and offering security platforms designed to enable corporate entities - small and large - to protect their software from malicious activity, The firm has built state of the art technology designed to alert Users when the Templarbit platform identifies vulnerabilities in the network that hackers could potentially exploit. The platform autonomously discovers, classifies and analyzes an organization's entire landscape of digital assets, the unique risk profile for each digital asset and the real business costs potential. In November 2022 is was announced that Toronto-based global cyber insurance specialist BOXX Insurance had acquired Templarbit

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Key People / Management

  Bjoern Zinssmeister -- CEO

  Matthias Kadenbach -- CTO & Co-founder

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