Founded by former USGS scientists, the Temblor mission is to reduce seismic risk by promoting awareness, mitigation, and financial protection. Serving the public through the Temblor Earthquake News and the Temblor app, the firm also serves the insurance and real estate industries through innovative, globally consistent, highest resolution seismic hazard and risk assessments. The same information is provided to the general public for their residences as that made avilable to commercial companies for their portfolios. Temblor is structured to enable everyone in the continental United States, and many parts of the world, to learn the possible extentof their seismic, landslide, tsunami, and flood hazard. To help everyone determine the best way to reduce the risk to their home with proactive solutions, the firm provides Earthquake maps, soil liquefaction, landslide zones, cost of earthquake damag: iPhone and Android and web app, Temblor estimates the likelihood of seismic shaking and home damage. We show how the damage and its costs can be decreased by buying or renting a seismically safe home or retrofitting an older homeTemblor fo