Company Profile

Teliatry Inc
Profile last edited on: 4/7/22      CAGE: 845L8      UEI: RUY9UJT3Y4C5

Business Identifier: Advanced neuromodulation therapy development
Year Founded
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Location Information

1301 North Plano Road
Richardson, TX 75081
Location: Single
Congr. District: 32
County: Dallas

Public Profile

A fast-growing medical device startup,Teliatry Inc is a certified manufacturer addressing designand development of next generation minimally invasive, implantable medical device systems for the neuromodulation, deep brain stimulation, drug delivery, sensing, and multiparameter medical systems global market. Founded by members of two pioneers in biomedical device research facilities - Texas Biomedical Device Center (TXBDC) and Zyvex Labs. - the company is structured around development of highly miniaturized and sophisticated class III implants built with 21st century, scalable manufacturing techniques. A platform technology has been developed that is provided as a contract biomedical device manufacturer for biomedical device companies needing minimally invasive, injectable, or highly miniaturized implant systems. Thefirm's initial device is a wireless neurostimulator system developed for vagus nerve stimulation. ALready having undergone extensive biocompatibility and animal studies, the system is Implantable with minimally invasive surgery, an embedded programmable CPU and significantly smaller than currently available products in the market and, currently, has FDA approval for three different early feasibility studies. A well-established supply chain has been implemented along with a manufacturing approach that is wafer scale, automated and highly scalable to large volumes - all enabling dramatically lowered cost while improving the capabilities and reliability over existing manufacturing approaches. This lower cost will permit animal studies with the same device that can be taken into human clinical trials - saving time and money.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2021 1 NIH $256,046
Project Title: A minimally invasive, single incision, rechargeable spinal cord Stimulation system for chronic pain

Key People / Management

  Rahul Saini -- President and Chief Executive Officer

  Dane William Grasse -- Vice President of Research & Development

  John N Randall -- Executive Vice President

Company News

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