Company Profile

TelAztec LLC
Profile last edited on: 4/2/2023      CAGE: 3EDM6      UEI: NMXLEF53BNW4

Business Identifier: Bio-inspired, optically functional nano-textures
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

15 A Street
Burlington, MA 01803
   (781) 229-9904
Location: Single
Congr. District: 06
County: Middlesex

Public Profile

TelAztec is structured around the design and fabrication of nanometer-scale microstructures with unique optical functionality. Specializing in microstructures that provide anti-reflection (AR) and color or polarization filtering, the TelAztec mission is to provide optical systems designers with options for enhancing the performance, lifetime, durability, or power handling capability of a window or optic by replacing conventional thin film coatings with a designed microstructure etched or replicated directly into the window or optic material. For most applications these benefits are achived at comparable or reduced costs. With the approach being one of developing application specific microstructure designs and processes that would subsequently licensed and transferred to larger manufacturing companies, TelAztec is equipped to produce prototype devices and to accommodate pilot or low volume manufacturing during a typical product proof of concept phase. The firm has already entered into license agreements for both AR and optical filter microstructures designed for applications such as liquid crystal displays (LCDs), infrared sensors, high power lasers, advanced lithography systems, and passive optical filters.

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Key People / Management

  Douglas S Hobbs -- President

  Erik Cedrone -- Sales Representative

  Stephen Consoles -- Staff Scientist

  Bruce D MacLeod -- VP Manufacturing

  Anthony Manni -- Optical Metasurface Scientist

  James Nole -- VP Business

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