Company Profile

Tectonicus Constructs LLC
Profile last edited on: 6/29/20      CAGE: 87TK2      UEI: H34JALHMDEH6

Business Identifier: Integration people into the natural environment
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
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Location Information

8841 North Calle Loma Linda
Tucson, AZ 85704
   (520) 333-6033
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02

Public Profile

A research-driven architecture firm described as "elevating humankind's integration into our natural environment". Specializing in areas of sustainable design in architecture, infrastructure, adaptive-reuse, and historic preservation - sustainable, modern, and specially tailored for each unique client and site - the Owner (PI on SBIR project) - is a registered architect with over a decade of global experience at all scales and budgets. With clients to include wanna-to-be homeowners, non-profit museums, retail stores, and even a school, the firm has successfully designed and managed projects in Mumbai India, Beijing, China, and in Arizona. The largest such project - 6.5million squrw foot mixed-use development in Nanjing, China - managed from a conceptual bid-winning stage to design-development, later leading the development of a unique louvered facade system giving the buildings a unique parametrically engaged form with passive shading benefits. As an architecture instructor at the University of Arizona, in 2017 the principal of the firm led a research studio engaging with the CAP canal engineers in covering and powering the Central Arizona Project Canal with solar power.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2020 2 DOE $1,352,868
Project Title: Rural Solar "Solar River CSSP Canal Spanning Solar Power"

Key People / Management

  Benjamin Lepley -- President and Founder

  Cameron Behning

  Jordan Kanter

  Ken Petersen

  Arturo Rodriguez

  Doreen Song Pe

  Sheehan Wachter

Company News

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